Monday, September 28, 2009

Home Brewing For Women - You Are a Cook, Aren't You?

An old adage says that the way to any man's heart is through his stomach. Perhaps that might also be expandable to "down his throat." It is we ladies who buy the groceries and most likely keep our husbands' stock of refrigerated beer in good supply. We probably also know better than our husbands how much it costs to keep that stock ready for the weekend, the big game or the weekly poker get-together. Of course, we'll not limit this discussion just to the married folks. Ladies, there's never anything wrong with being able to impress a guy or your friends with a surprising new talent. So, here's a thought to ponder - why not make your own home brewed beer? There is definitely an upside to making such a decision.

You Save Money

Beer prices in the US have risen 3% since May 2008, and there's no prediction of falling prices any time soon. That is higher than the inflation rate for the overall economy, and if you drink your beer away from home, you might find the price rising as much as 3.8% during the same period.

It appears farmers have decided to scrap their barley fields to devote a larger percentage of acreage to corn (as in Ethanol production) and soybeans (as in nutritional production.) Saving gas and eating healthy are causing a rise in beer prices. Of course, there are even more costs than just the barley when it comes to getting the beer into the consumer's hands -- aluminum, energy, paper, freight and labor. All of which are . . .? Right, rising.

Are you aware American adults age 21 and up averaged more than 30 gallons of beer during 2006, roughly 1 can a day? We also drink more beer on the Fourth of July than on any other da00000917y during the year, according to the Beer Institute. That holiday is just around the corner, and your pocket book is sure to feel the pinch.

How would you like to have 6 gallons of your own special brew on hand for an average of $30.00 a batch. There is an upfront outlay of funds (less than $100 plus shipping) which will provide you all the equipment you need and get you well underway to your first basic batch. After that, it's up to your own creative culinary skills as you try various kits (average $30 plus shipping) until you find your favorites and/or develop your own secret recipe enhancers.

It's Legal

After all the prohibitions against alcohol creation and consumption, you might be asking yourself if all this is legal. Absolutely! President Jimmy Carter signed into law the legalization of home brewing by American citizens in 1979. Federal law says you can brew up to 100 gallons a year in your home.

It's Cooking, Ladies

Are we gals not denizens of the kitchen? Home brewing is nothing more than following easy recipes which come with home brewing kits. From then on, it's just your creativity as you choose from ales, lagers, porters, bocks, stouts, etc. - many of which can be customized to your own very special taste. There's even one with a really disgusting name - Goat Scrotum Ale - which can be brewed to taste like bittersweet dark chocolate. How wonderful is that? Almost worth the name!

Companies which create the basic starter kits are primarily brewers themselves who have gone out of their way to make it as easy as possible for the home brewer. All equipment and ingredients are included in the basic starter kit (including bottles), and the whole process has been simplified into 4 basic steps. Once you get those basics down, the chef in you will take over as you experiment with other types of brews. You'll be able to select your own unique flavor enhancing ingredients to tweak those basic recipes and make them your own. You might even need to develop your own label.

Ratchet Up Your Mystique

If you love beer, this is a chance to add to your own kitchen mystique. How cool would it be to serve ice cold bottles of a rich tasting liquid which draw oohs and aahs? How are you g000011EFoing to answer when everyone clamors for the source? Will you smile demurely? Will you offer to get them some at a very special price? Will you admit it's your own recipe? Either way, that old feminine mystique has just raised a few notches. Your parties will never be quite the same.

Alyce Mott

Want to get started on your own new kitchen brewing adventure? Great! Here's a great Free Report that shows you exactly how to get started brewing your own beer at home. Thirteen delicious recipes are included inside.


Boil Cooking
Boil Cooking

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